Why the Best Jobs are Hidden From You and How to Find Them

No doubt, you've heard the term "hidden job market." What does this phrase mean? It is used to define jobs not posted online or advertised using such traditional (old-school?) methods as classified ads.

To find out all of the methods associated with the "hidden job market", reach out to this Certified Job Search Strategist now!

Let's look at how the word gets out regarding job vacancies, right from the time that the company realizes it needs to hire someone.

Company Job-Hiring Steps
job hiring

Step 1 - Employees are asked if they know someone qualified to fill the vacancy. (This step costs the company no money.)

Step 2 - Hiring decision-makers will access their vast databank of resumes to see if anyone qualifies to fill the vacancy. (This step costs the company no money.)

Step 3 - Hiring decision-makers will network - either in person, online, or through recruiters - to uncover eligible candidates. (This step does cost some money, although much less than Step 4. And it does take some time to sift through the credentials of each job-seeker. However, the time devoted is miniscule compared to Step 4 below.)

Step 4 - Hiring decision-makers decide to use an online job board (ex: Monster.com, Indeed.com, or Careerbuilder.com) or LinkedIn job postings, to advertise a vacancy. (This step costs the company money, as well as an inordinate amount of time invested to screen literally hundreds of applicants.)

Did you know that:

- only 20% of jobs are advertised on online job boards and in print?
- over 60% of jobs are found through networking?
- many recruiters post job vacancies internally?

job search hidden job market
That's why it makes sense for YOU to capitalize on the strengths of Steps 1, 2, and 3. Let a Certified Job Search Strategist show you how... read more...