5 Ways the Job Search Has Changed In Recent Years

What do the iPad, kickstarter.com, automated cars, and microscale 3D printing have in common? The answer: They were all invented since 2010. These days, we take these technological innovations for granted.

Then why do so many job-seekers use early 2000's methods to find a job?

Job-seekers post their resumes on online job boards (ex: Monster.com, Indeed.com, or Careerbuilder.com) in droves. Many believe that all they need to do is use a "set-it-and-forget-it" approach; they upload their resumes, sit back, and wait for the job offers to come pouring in. This approach worked well from about 2001 to 2003, at a time when online job boards were becoming very popular. The problem is that this method is no longer effective when searching for jobs.

The success rate of getting hired through online job boards is between 2% and 4%! You can do MUCH better and increase your odds of success by retaining this Certified Job Search Strategist.

Listed below are 5 things to consider when job-hunting:

How To Job-Hunt Today
job hunting tips

1 - Hiring decision-makers will use Google and LinkedIn to conduct background searches on you. Make sure that your online reputation is squeaky clean; otherwise, you become your own worst enemy.

2 - The days are long gone when hiring decision-makers take 10 minutes to view your resume on the first pass. Because their time is at a premium, they will devote (maybe) 10 seconds at the very most, before determining if your resume advances to the next round or not.

3 - It's virtually pointless to forward your resume and cover letter on paper to a prospective employer. Why? The vast majority of hiring decision-makers will ONLY view your job search documents on a computer screen.

4 - It's all about what the employer wants, not the job-seeker. To put a spin on John F. Kennedy's famous quote, "Ask not what the employer can do for you; ask what you can do for the employer." Make sure that your job search documents are employer-focused, instead of job search-focused.

job search tips
5 - EVERYONE has a "personal brand." You have something that positively sets you apart from other job-seekers. Let this Certified Job Search Strategist / Certified Professional Resume Writer uncover your unique strengths, so that you can "strut your stuff" with confidence as you search for your next dream job... read more...